EC3 free the narrative
Photo Credit: EC3

EC3 Launching New ‘Project Narrative’ Fitness App

EC3 is ready to help you control your own Narrative.

EC3 is launching “Project Narrative”, a new app that will help users control their health and wellness Narrative. According to the description, this app will “serve as your pocket companion throughout your fitness journey where you can access all your plans and programs specifically designed to help you achieve your fitness goals.”

EC3 commented on the launch, posting the following:

Custom nutrition and workout plans created by me, for you and your individual needs.⁣ Based on your individual life.⁣

I will tell you what to #eat.⁣ I will tell you when to eat it.⁣ I will plan your #workouts based on your experience and your schedule.⁣ All you have to do is follow it, and you will succeed.⁣ You will #ControlYourNarrative⁣

The app will formally launch on June 29; EC3 posted a free advance workout as a preview:


A1) Standing Cable Fly (light-moderate)⁣


B1) Incline Chest Press⁣

12-10-8-6-6-6 (drop 10 drop 15 drop 20)⁣

C1) Incline Cable Fly⁣

15-12-10-8 (drop 12) 8 again (drop 15)⁣

D1) Flat DB Chest Press (1 arm at a time.)⁣ – 4×8-10⁣

D2) weighted knee raises ⁣- 3×20⁣

E1) Flat DB Fly (4 second eccentric, 3 second hold at bottom)⁣ – 3×10⁣

E2) weighted crunch ⁣- 3×12⁣

E3) Decline DB press⁣ – 3×12-15⁣

F1) Leg press ⁣

Some reps and sets for blood flow⁣

F2) Leg Ext⁣


Read More: EC3 On Flip Gordon: He’s Becoming Methodical And Different, Not The ‘Backflip For No Reason’ Guy

Screenshots of the app can also be seen below: