Aleister Black in WWE 2021
Image Credit: WWE

Aleister Black On Zelina Vega’s Release: Her Husband Has An Opinion, But The Character Just Wanted To Work

Since WWE cut ties with Zelina Vega, many fans have wondered how her husband, Aleister Black felt about the situation.

During an appearance on Oral Sessions with Renee Paquette, Black explained that when WWE released Vega, he separated his personal reaction from his professional career.

“They let my wife go under reasons that are very questionable,” said Black. “And everything got sorted out, everything’s fine, everything’s okay, but they called me. And they’re like, ‘Look, we understand this is putting you in a tough spot.’

“I said, ‘No, this my career, [I] spoke about it with her. This is business between you and her. Does Tom her husband have an opinion on it? Sure he does. Does Aleister Black the professional? No, he’s ready to go to work.’ All I wanna do is work. All I wanna do is create.”

Black also shared an important lesson he learned from The Undertaker during his time in WWE; he recalled how “The Phenom” taught him the importance of occasionally showing the fans that he’s a real person.

“I’ve always tried to kind of have a correlation between my social media and my character because I find that important,” said Black. “It’s also something that Undertaker told me at one point. He said like, the business has changed nowadays. You can not be 100% character anymore because people are not gonna buy that.

“You’re gonna have to lower the threshold here and there and kind of let them in every once in a while because it’s just different. It’s not as protected anymore and people need to care about the person behind the character to an extent as well.”

RELATED: Squandered Potential: A Look Back At The Highs And Lows Of Aleister Black’s WWE Run

The full clip is available here:

The “slow death” of Aleister Black: Oral Sessions with Renee Paquette


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