EC3 Says Free The Narrative Is ‘Far More Than Wrestling’, Details His Conflict With Matt Cardona

EC3 is prepared to fight. 

EC3 recently spoke with WrestleZone Managing Editor Bill Pritchard ahead of the premiere of “Free The Narrative” event on Thursday, May 27. The featured ‘fight’ is a bout between Matt Cardona and EC3, who explained what the Narrative is intended for.

“The Narrative is a place where people fight, and it’s not as much about fighting an opponent as it is fighting your past self, fighting yourself, finding your purpose, taking back your control, and fighting for your freedom. So this is an event,, it’s going to be streaming on Vimeo,” EC3 said, “and this is something that’s going to be around for a very long time.”

EC3 said he believes the event will catch on by word of mouth, and it’s hard to explain what the event is without giving something away, but it’s certainly much more than a wrestling match.

“Nobody knows what it is and I don’t know how to tell you what it is, other than it’s something that you’ve never seen before in the wrestling genre,” he said. “It’s far more than wrestling.”

There are parallels between EC3, who over the past year has built a unique brand and following on social media, and his opponent, Matt Cardona, who arguably started the movement of wrestlers using social media to promote themselves. EC3 acknowledged Cardona’s history and praised him for taking a chance on himself in WWE when he wanted to be heard and explained why in spite of the similarities, they also make good adversaries.

“I think you mentioned why Matt was the perfect opponent, because he’s sort of the forefather of what wrestlers have done to get noticed with Z! True Long Island Story. He’s the one that took initiative to create on his own without any creative input, without anybody backing him. He went out on a limb, ‘hell or high water, whether it gets me fired or ‘my push’, whatever it may be—he took the initiative and then people have jumped on that and that’s the way things are now. You can use social media as a tool, and there’s no reason to stand by and be stagnant, there’s reason to sit back and complain. If you don’t like what you’re doing, you have the options and the ways, the means, if you just put that effort in and you can get your message out and tell your story. It may not correlate what you want to do on television,” EC3 said, “but there’s at least satisfaction in that, so that’s why Matt’s the perfect opponent, because he started this.

“And the reason for [the fight], you mentioned there’s parallels between us—there is, and I equate that to ‘the bizarro world’ in a sense. We’re very similar, yet so very different, and he’s the perfect opponent too because upon our [WWE] release a year ago, I just expected more out of him. You mentioned what he does—the podcast, the toys, the happiness he portrays—his fan service, so to speak—I just think there’s bigger issues to be talked about. There’s bigger problems within the world of entertainment, within the world of wrestling, the world in general,” he explained, “and I feel like he’s turning a blind eye to that and I feel like I want to wake him up to what this world truly is. I don’t want him hiding behind nostalgia so much as to become who I think he should be, but in theory, he is who he wants to be. It’s an interesting conflict.”

Read More: ROH Roundup: RUSH Comments On Suspension, EC3 Vows Violence, Women’s Division Wednesday Match Announced

Fans can pre-order the event at now. Use the code FREEWRESTLEZONE to get 20% off of your order and tune in for the premiere on Thursday, May 27 at 8 pm EST.