Fire and Ice Scott Norton Ice Train

Ice Train Believes Fire & Ice Could’ve Stayed Together In WCW, They Didn’t Realize How Special They Were

Ice Train says things could have been much different for him in WCW, but it wasn’t meant to be.

Ice Train was a recent guest on The Shining Wizards Wrestling Podcast and talked about his run with Scott Norton as ‘Fire & Ice’ and why the team ultimately didn’t work out.

“I was a little bit different back then. I believe that I treated (Scott) Norton bad because, I didn’t respect his knowledge that he had, and at that time I didn’t want to be a tag team partner. I just thought I was ready to be on my own. But not understanding that concept of the business, me and Norton never even had an hour of conversation. We were totally different characters. Now, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve said to many people ‘I apologize.’ I could have really helped Fire & Ice. We could have stayed together longer. I don’t think me and Norton understood how special we were,” he explained, “because I believe we had a lot of people giving different views in our ear.”

Ice Train went on to note that they were incredibly gifted athletes, but things could have been much different if they tried to get to know each other instead of focusing on wanting singles runs.

“When I look at it now, I’m like man, they (Fire & Ice) were giving the Steiners big butt whoopings, and there’s no way that team should have broke up so early. But at that time, I don’t think Norton wanted to tag with me, and I probably didn’t want to tag with him. I don’t think he knew me as a person and I don’t think I knew him as a person. I believe tag teams got to have an equal yoke,” he explained, “and it has to be a real tag team. When you grow together, it’s different than when you’re put together.”

“There’s no reason why me and Scott Norton shouldn’t have went out there and beat the Steiners the first night on Nitro. It shouldn’t have even been any problem. Fire & Ice is… you can quote it. Fire & Ice is the strongest tag team ever in professional wrestling. Both of us. Two legit 600- pound bench pressers, two legit 800-pound squatters, and we can go out there and throw clotheslines with the best of them,” he said. “And Scott Norton and Ice Train could have been great. But at that time it just wasn’t meant to be. It just wasn’t.”

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