WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (5/7/21)

Seth Rollins vs. Cesaro (If Cesaro Wins, Cesaro Gets a Universal Title Shot)

Rollins lands the sling blade. Jimmy and Jey Uso are at ringside watching the match. Running knee by Rollins. Rollins sends Cesaro crashing into the barricade. Rollins sends Cesaro back into the ring to get a two count. Cesaro tries to fire back but Rollins focuses on Cesaro’s now injured shoulder. Rollins sets up a falcon arrow. Cesaro reverses it into a deadlift vertical suplex. Cesaro lands two roaring European uppercuts. Cesaro floors Rollins with a lariat for a near fall. Rollins escapes the swing. Cesaro tries the Gotch Neutralizer but Rollins avoids it. Cesaro goes up top. After a distraction from Jey Rollins manages to hit a superplex into a falcon arrow. Cesaro kicks out.

After the break, Cesaro locks Rollins in the sharpshooter. Rollins almost gets to the ropes. Cesaro transitions into the crossface. Rollins escapes and hits a back-leg front kick to Cesaro. Cesaro almost lands a gut wrench off the top but Rollins reverses it into a buckle bomb. Cesaro explodes out of the turnbuckle and lands another lariat. Rollins and Cesaro trade strikes. Rollins sends Cesaro out of the ring. Jimmy and Jey circle. Rollins tells Jey that he isn’t Reigns and he doesn’t need their help. Jey tries to get involved again. Rollins pushes Jey. Jimmy superkicks Rollins. Cesaro surprises Rollins with the Neutralizer for the win.

Winner- Cesaro

Backstage, Reigns does NOT look pleased.

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