WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (5/3/21)

backstage, Riddle annoys The Viking Raiders. Riddle sees Orton and rides towards him. Riddle calls Orton Bro. Orton tells him he’s not his Bro. Riddle says he knows he needs to get serious. Riddle starts to go into a rant. Orton reminds Riddle that they have only won one match. Orton tells Riddle that they should go win another one. Riddle gets super excited. Orton shushes Riddle again.

Randy Orton and Riddle vs. Elias and Ryker

Ryker and Elias take an early advantage, taking turns working over Riddle. Riddle manages to tag in Orton, who clears the ring. Orton suplexes Elias on the announce desk. Orton and Riddle hit their combination DDT/Floating Bro comb. Ryker goes after Orton but eats an RKO. Riddle pins Elias.

Winners- Randy Orton and Riddle

Riddle poses in front of Orton. Orton doesn’t join in… but he doesn’t walk away this time.

Backstage, McIntyre says he is going to beat everyone. Strowman barges in and says he’s going to win.

Mansoor vs. Sheamus

Sheamus takes Mansoor over with a headlock takeover. Mansoor gets to his feet. Sheamus floors Mansoor with a shoulder block. Sheamus catches Mansoor in the air. Mansoor escapes. Sheamus pushes Mansoor. Mansoor decks Sheamus. Dropkick by Mansoor. Sheamus sits Mansoor on the top rope. Sheamus levels Mansoor with a clothesline. Mansoor falls to the outside. Mansoor is almost counted out. Sheamus lands the ten beats. Sheamus press slams Mansoor onto the barricade. Sheamus rolls back in the ring. Mansoor somehow manages to make it back to the ring to break the count. Mansoor fires up and lands a few strikes. Tornado DDT by Mansoor. Sheamus kicks out. Mansoor goes up for a moonsault. Sheamus sweeps Mansoor’s legs. Mansoor crashes to the mat. Sheamus hits white noise. Sheamus calls for the Brogue Kick. Carrillo hits the ring and attacks Sheamus to cause a disqualification.

Winner- Sheamus

Carrillo hits a suicide dive. Sheamus surprises Carrillo with a Brogue Kick. Sheamus is bleeding. Sheamus Brogue Kicks Mansoor as well.

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