NXT TakeOver Stand & Deliver
Image Credit: WWE

NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver Night 2 Results (4/8/21)

O’Reilly clears off the announce desk. Cole and O’Reilly trade shots while standing on the desk. Cole tries to suplex O’Reilly off the desk but O’Reilly counters and hits a brainbuster! the desk doesn’t break. Cole just bounces off the desk. Cole crawls into the crowd. O’Reilly followed but gets whacked in the head with a monitor. Cole sends O’Reilly back into the ring. Cole pulls a toolbox from under the ring and empties it out. Cole tries to use a pair of pliers but O’Reilly blocks it. Cole picks up a tire iron. Rebound clothesline by O’Reilly. O’Reilly puts Cole in a triangle using the chain. Cole almost passes out. Cole hits O’Reilly in the gut with the tire iron. O’Reilly has to break the hold.

Cole and O’Reilly both use chairs to help them break the count. Cole and O’Reilly end up sitting across from each other. Cole badmouths O’Reilly. O’Reilly kicks Cole in the face. Cole and O’Reilly trade shots as they struggle to their feet. Cole low blows O’Reilly. Cole destroys O’Reilly with a superkick. O’Reilly kicks out yet again. Cole wraps a chair around O’Reilly’s neck. The referee tells Cole that he doesn’t want to do this as Cole picks up another chair. Cole decks the referee. Cole hits the Panama Sunrise, but there is no referee to count the fall. Cole yells at the referee… that he just knocked out. O’Reilly rolls out on the ramp. Cole follows. O’Reilly manages to stand up but Cole tosses a chair at him. O’Reilly collapse in a heap. Cole slams O’Reilly’s head into the barricade over and over again. O’Reilly returns the favor. O’Reilly locks Cole in a guillotine. Cole slams on the barricade. O’Reilly puts Cole in another guillotine.

Cole leaps forward and slams O’Reilly through the metal plating on the stage. Cole crawls out of the hole in the stage. Cole kicks a hole in the side of the stage and drags O’Reilly out of it. O’Reilly crawls back into the ring. Cole misses the Last Shot. O’Reilly locks Cole in a heel hook. Cole screams in agony. Cole wraps the chain around his fist and decks O’Reilly. Cole tries another Panama Sunrise. O’Reilly catches Cole and hits a suplex. PK by O’Reilly. O’Reilly pulls down his knee pad and hits the Last Shot! Cole kicks out! O’Reilly goes up top. Cole hits O’Reilly with a chair. O’Reilly falls to the mat and isn’t moving. Cole opens a chair and sits it in the ring with the legs facing up. O’Reilly low blows Cole. Cole ends up laying on the chair he set up. O’Reilly wraps a chain around his knee. O’Reilly hits a King Kong Knee Drop that obliterates Cole and destroys the chair! O’Reilly pins Cole!

Winner- Kyle O’Reilly

After the match, referees and medical personnel check on Cole. Cole is loaded on a stretcher as O’Reilly watches.




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