NXT TakeOver Stand & Deliver
Image Credit: WWE

NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver Night 2 Results (4/8/21)

North American Championship Match: Johnny Gargano (c) w/Austin Theory vs. Bronson Reed

Reed runs over Gargano. Gargano tries a ranna but Reed cartwheels out of it. Gargano tries a leapfrog but Reed just pushes Gargano out of the air. Reed press slams Gargano into a fallaway slam. Gargano catches Reed with an elbow to the head. Gargano tries a slingshot spear but Gargano just bounces off of Reed. Reed is hurt but he doesn’t go down. Gargano chop blocks Reed. Gargano finally takes Reed off his feet with a flying clothesline. Gargano lands a few strikes. Gargano pushes Reed ribs-first into the announce desk.

Reed is clutching at his gut. Gargano focuses his attack on Reed’s midsection. Gargano leaps off the second rope. Reed catches Gargano and hits a powerslam. Reed fires up. Body block by Reed. Spinning chokeslam by Reed. Reed lifts Gargano up for a suplex. Gargano tries to knee his way out of it but Reed won’t let go. Reed turns the suplex into a Death Valley Driver. Gargano kicks out. Gargano rolls out to the apron. Reed tries to suplex Gargano back into the ring. Gargano trips Reed so he ends up hung up on the middle rope. Gargano hits a backstabber. Reed kicks out. Reed surprises Gargano with a nasty suplex. Reed misses a senton. Gargano rolls up Reed. Reed kicks out. Gargano hits a poison ranna. Gargano locks Reed in the Gargano Escape. Gargano and Reed fight out to the ramp. Reed Razor’s Edges Gargano back into the ring. Reed goes up for the Tsunami. Gargano moves out of the way. Gargano lands a superkick.

Gargano tries to meet in the middle but Reed levels Gargano with a clothesline. Reed goes back up top. After a distraction from Theory, Gargano cuts Reed off. Gargano tries a top rope ranna but Reed slips out and lands on his feet. Theory gets involved again. Reed flattens him with suicide dive. Gargano pushes Reed into the barricade. Gargano attempts One Final Beat but Reed reverses it into an air raid crash. Gargano kicks out. Gargano lands multiple superkicks. Reed hits a Superkick of his own. Reed goes up top and misses a moonsault. Gargano hits two One Final Beat DDTs for the win.

Winner and STILL North American Champion, Johnny Gargano!

WWE TakeOver: Stand & Deliver Night 2 Results Continue On The Next Page!


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