Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

MJF Gets A ‘New Phone’, Says He Won’t Press Charges And Denies Trying To Record Sammy Guevara

New phone, who dis?

MJF posted the following message from his “new phone” after Sammy Guevara smashed his old one on Wednesday’s episode of AEW Dynamite.

Hello, I’ve just received a new phone.

I never tried to record Sammy. It was a ridiculous claim made by a desperate man with zero proof. I’ve decided not to press charges because I’m salt of the earth.

I see people congratulating Sammy for his “bravery”.

How about the fact that I valiantly wrestled with injured ribs?

Not that you plebians care but I’ve spoken with my doctor and he feels after rehab I’ll be fine in a few weeks or so.

I wish Sammy the best of luck in his future endeavors.

During Wednesday’s show, Guevara requested alone time with MJF and said he knows MJF is trying to take over the group. MJF denied the claims, then talked Guevara into sarcastically saying he hated Jericho. Guevara found MJF’s phone and thought he was being recorded as a setup, so Sammy smashed the phone and punched him in the stomach. Later in the show (after MJF and Jericho won their match), Sammy said he was done with the games and he quit the Inner Circle.

Related: AEW Dynamite Results (2/10/21)

AEW Dynamite saw a wild main event with NJPW’s Kenta debuting on a team with AEW World Champion Kenny Omega to face IWGP United States Champion Jon Moxley and Lance Archer. Sammy Gueverra quit the Inner Circle in a dramatic split. On WWE NXT’s go-home episode for this Sunday’s NXT Takeover; Vengeance Day with the finals of both the men’s and women’s Dusty Classic tag tournaments getting their finals set.


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