WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (1/18/21)

Backstage, Jax and Baszler argue. Charly walks in to ask them if they are getting along. Baszler reminds Charly that she has never gotten along with Jax. Jax notes that the Women’s Tag Champs are currently distracted as well. Baszler says exactly, now would be the perfect time to get their rematch against Charlotte Flair and Asuka.

Backstage, Charlotte says she has been accused of living off her last name. Now there is a woman hanging off his arm, wearing his robes, begging for attention. Evans can wear her father’s robes but she will never wear Charlotte’s crown.

Backstage, Adam Pearce says Ricochet has to prove he deserves a spot in the Rumble. AJ Styles says Ricochet doesn’t have a shot.

Ricochet vs. AJ Styles w/Omos

Styles almost hits the Styles Clash but Ricochet reverses it into a pin. Ricochet lands multiple rannas. Dropkick by Ricochet. Styles falls out of the ring. Ricochet slides under the bottom rope and lands a head-scissors. Ricochet dives off the apron but is caught by Omos. The referee yells at Omos to put Ricochet down. Omos drops Ricochet, who lands in a sickening thud. After the break, Styles is working over Ricochet. Ricochet surprises Styles with a DDT. Lariat by Ricochet. Ricochet does a backflip and hits a deadlift German suplex.

Styles kicks out. Brainbuster by Styles. Ricochet kicks out. Styles hits the Ushigoroshi. Ricochet kicks out again. Styles tries the Phenomenal Forearm but Ricochet reverses it into the Recoil. Ricochet is slow to cover. Styles kicks out. Ricochet goes up top. Styles knocks Ricochet off the top. Ricochet stuns Styles on the top rope. Ricochet tries a springboard but Styles catches Ricochet in the suplex position. Styles bounces Ricochet off the top rope into the Styles Clash for the win.

Winner- AJ Styles


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