WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown (01/08/21)

Corbin floors Nakamura with a clothesline. Nakamura kicks out. Corbin works over Nakamura in the corner. Corbin missed a shoulder block in the corner. Corbin ducks one kick by Nakamura but eats a second. Corbin falls out of the ring. Nakamura leaps off the apron but is caught by Corbin. Corbin drives Nakamura’s back into the ring post. Corbin gets a two count. Corbin yells at the referee. Back suplex by Corbin. Corbin hooks both legs but Nakamura kicks out again.

Nakamura lands a flurry of kicks. Nakamura hits a flying knee off the top. Corbin kicks out. Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa. Corbin counter with the deep six. Nakamura kicks out. Corbin walks into a triangle by Nakamura. Corbin powerbombs Nakamura to break the hold. Corbin tries the dipsey doo clothesline but as soon as Corbin gets back in the ring Nakamura immediately hits Kinshasa. Nakamura pins Corbin.

King Corbin has been eliminated

Daniel Bryan is next.

Bryan is all over Nakamura. Bryan tries to leap off the top. Nakamura dropkicks Bryan out of the air. Nakamura attempts the Kinshasa. Bryan dropdown and rolls Nakamura into a half crab. Bryan transitions into an ankle lock. Bryan turns that into a nasty German suplex for a near fall. Yes kicks by Bryan. Nakamura locks Bryan in an armbar. Bryan reverses that into an armbar of his own. Bryan transition that into the Yes Lock. Nakamura crawls to the ropes.

Bryan turns the Yes Lock into the rings of Saturn. Nakamura manages to get his leg on the bottom rope to break the hold. Bryan focuses his attack on Nakamura’s arm. Bryan tries a ranna off the top. Nakamura hooks the rope. Bryan hits the mat hard. Nakamura follows that with a flying knee. Bryan kicks out. Bryan tries another armbar. Bryan turns it into a pin. Nakamura kicks out. Bryan and Nakamura trade strikes. Bryan lands a head kick that crumples Nakamura in the corner. Bryan lands a few dropkicks in the corner. Bryan charges in for another but Nakamura counters with the Kinshasa! Nakamura pins Bryan!

Daniel Bryan has been eliminated.

Bryan helps Nakamura up. Bryan and Nakamura shake hands. Roman Reigns, Heyman, and Uso walk out on the stage. After the break, Pearce slowly walks to the ring. Reigns and Co intimidate Pearce on the way to the ring. Uso gets in the ring and attacks Nakamura. Reigns joins in. Uso superkicks Nakamura. Superman punch by Reigns. Uso crushes Nakamura with the Uso Splash. Pearce asks Reigns what he’s doing. Reigns tosses Pearce into the ring. Uso superkicks Pearce. Reigns demands that the referee ring the bell, which he does. Uso drags Pearce on top of Nakamura. The referee counts to three.

Shinsuke Nakamura has been eliminated.

Winner and NEW Number One Contender, Adam Pearce!

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