WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (12/7/20)

Backstage, The Hurt Business harasses a stagehand.

Backstage, Ricochet and Dana Brooke are talking strategy for their tag match later. Riddle walks in with donuts. Riddle asks if they have seen MVP. Ricochet says no and asks Riddle to leave. Riddle continues his search for MVP. Ricochet and Brooke say they are going to take out Retribution tonight.

Slapjack and Reckoning w/Mustfa Ali vs. Ricochet and Dana Brooke

Brooke tackles Reckoning as soon as the bell rings. Reckoning boots Brooke in the face. Reckoning tags in Slapjack. Ricochet dumps Slapjack out of the ring. Ricochet lands a dive. Ricochet sends Slapjack back into the ring. Slapjack hits a falcon arrow. Brooke tags in and hits her finish on Reckoning for the win…

Winners- Ricochet and Dana Brooke

After the match, Ali berates Reckoning for loosing again.

Backstage, Keith Lee tells Sheamus that no one is buying his good guy act. Everyone knows Sheamus is going to turn on Drew McIntyre. Sheamus excuses himself so he can go turn on the champion.

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