NXT TakeOver

WWE NXT TakeOver WarGames Results (12/6/20)

Strap Match: Dexter Lumis vs. Cameron Grimes

Grimes refuses to use the strap the referee has. Grimes demands to use his strap. Before the referee can attach it to Lumis, Grimes attacks Lumis. Grimes sends Lumis into the barricade. Grimes chokes Lumis with the strap. Grimes is relentless. Lumis fires back with a few punches. Thez press by Lumis. Lumis blasts Grimes with punch after punch. Lumis puts the strap around his wrist to officially start the match. Grimes tries to run away but Lumis pulls him back into the ring. After a tug of war, Lumis tosses Grimes into the corner. Suplex by Lumis. Lumis rolls out of the ring to avoid a shot with the ladder.

Grimes tries to climb the barricade. Lumis yanks Grimes off the fencing and lands a stiff uppercut. Grimes keeps trying to escape but Lumis isn’t having it. Lumis launches Grimes into the barricade over and over again. Grimes suplexes Lumis on the barricade. Grimes pulls  Lumis over the barricade. Lumis is sent crashing to the floor. Lumis and Grimes trade punches. Grimes pulls Lumis into a big boot. Grimes pulls the other strap out of the bag it’s in. Grimes puts the bag on Lumis’ head. Grimes hits Lumis with the other strap. Lumis manages to catch Grimes with a spinebuster. Lumis takes the bag off of his head. Lumis tries to tie Grimes to the ring post. Grimes pulls Lumis into the steel girder attached to the ring post.

Grimes lands a PK on the apron. Lumis pulls  Grimes off the apron using the strap. Grimes does a front flip and lands on the floor with a sickening thud. Lumis whips Grimes with the strap. Grimes manages to German suplex Lumis into the corner. Lumis catches Grimes and hits a fallaway slam. Lumis goes up top. Grimes yanks Lumis off the top. Lumis hits the mat hard. Grimes hits the inside out for a near fall. Grimes sits up a chair. Grimes whips Lumis over and over again. After a series of reversals Grimes ends up tied up in the strap. Lumis pulls the strap and Grimes tips over, hitting his head on the chair. Lumis locks in Silence using the strap. Grimes taps out.

Winner- Dexter Lumis

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