The Undertaker
Photo credit: AMER HILABI/AFP/Getty Images

Get A Cameo Video From The Undertaker For $1,000

It turns out that the Million Dollar Man was right as everybody’s got a price.

For a cool $1,000, you can get The Undertaker to pretend he cares about your kid’s birthday or wedding anniversary. WWE announced that ‘Taker will be joining Cameo for a limited time and only doing 30 custom shout-outs. The price for “The Phenom” is also $1 more than what boxing great Floyd “Money” Mayweather charged on the service.

“WWE Legend Undertaker has joined Cameo in celebration of his 30th anniversary and Final Farewell at Survivor Series this Sunday, November 22, capping off The Phenom’s legendary 30-year career,” WWE announced. “Beginning today, Undertaker is available for 30 limited edition personalized video messages which he will fulfill at Survivor Series.”

This move also comes after WWE nixed performers from solely profiting off third-party services such as Twitch and Cameo, so that means WWE is getting in on the $1,000 fee.

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