WWE Chronicle: Liv Morgan Coming Soon
WWE Network will be premiering a new episode of WWE Chronicle next Sunday, November 29, revolving around Liv Morgan’s journey over the last year-and-a-half. The special will cover the split of the Riott Squad faction as Liv Morgan was moved over to the WWE SmackDown brand all the way to her return at the end of 2019 with her new character.
SEE MORE: Liv Morgan Isn’t Open To A Third Riott Squad Member, Teases A ‘Revamp’ They’ve Been Working On
PJ Black Injured Falling Down Stairs
Ring of Honor star PJ Black, formerly Justin Gabriel in WWE revealed that he is currently in the hospital after falling down a flight of stairs. The self-proclaimed “Darewolf” opened up about the freak accident on Instagram:
“I fell down some stairs (full moon). Injuries suck. But they are necessary apparently. Up until 5 years ago I’ve never broken a bone or had surgery. Never even been stung by a bee! Fast forward to today.. Broken both legs multiple times, 33 screws and a few plates (Titanium and Steel. 2 different continents.) in my legs and ring finger. A few NDE’s (Near Death Experience) later here I am rethinking life/death. Not because I got hurt; the avatar will heal; because death is an illusion. I’ve been able to experience many of my past lives even in Atlantis! This is surreal to me since I was raised Christian and we were taught that reincarnation isn’t real. I’ve since read copious amounts of books on this subject (if any1 has any good ones or need recs just ask). And if all those “lives” were hallucinations; then so is this one! The last 5 years have been the worst years of my life but at the same time the best thing to ever happen to me. #growth — Also FUCK 2020
WrestleZone wishes PJ a speedy recovery