IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (11/17/20)

IMPACT Wrestling, November 17, 2020
Commentators: Josh Matthews & Madison Rayne

No Disqualification
Moose vs. Willie Mack

Willie Mack immediately trips up and fires away at Moose. Double dropkick followed by a bicycle kick in the corner then a cannonball. Moose bails.

Willie goes to the outside and slugs him before slamming him into the post. Chops in the corner of the barricade. Willie goes to splash him but the big man gets tossed over the guard rail.

Moose throws him hard back over and them sends him back into the barricade once more. He says this message is for Rich Swann. He throws Willie once more into the barricade. Moose calls out Swann once more. He slams Willie on the apron before finally taking the action back into the ring and raking the face of Willie. Very tight sleeper on Willie, but he elbows free. Hard shot from with followed by a spinning forearm. Moose nips up and delivers a dropkick. Willie is down. He gets a stomp to the chest. Stomp to the leg. Stomp to the left hand. Moose steps on Willie’s skull using the corner of leverage.

A big stomp to the left ankle of Moose. He implores Willie to look at the people at home and tell them that he’s a wrestling god. Willie doesn’t and Moose continues his attack by sending him into the opposite corner.

Moose sizes Willie up before charging. Willie avoids him two as Moose crashes into the opposite corners. The two trade shots in the middle of the ring. Willie soon fires up and gets several shots off before hitting with several lariats that doesn’t down Moose. He catches Willie with a pump kick but Willie catches him with a Samoan drop. Standing moonsault gets a near fall.

Willie goes for a uranage but Moose does the same. Willie attempts a stunner, but Moose shoves him off. Willie soon hits a real big slam on Moose and climbs up top for the six-star frog splash. Moose moves and both men struggle to their feet. Willie hits a stunner, but Moose hits his Lights Out spear. Moose goes back to the mounted position and begins delivering elbows to Mack. The ref has to call the bell as Willie is out.

WINNER via KO decision: Moose

After the bell rings, Moose continues his assault before telling production to play his music.

We cut to the Rascalz in the Treehouse. They’re all emotional. They reflect on Wentz going out with Gail Kim going to the Jonas Brothers. Or when Moose choked the shit out of Trey. The lights get turned out on them as they realized they didn’t pay the light bill for the final week.

Tommy is continuing the investigation as The Deaners come in. He’s narrowing down the suspect. Cody is still under investigation. Cody says if this suspect is not Johnny Swinger you might want to check his fanny pack.

Suicide vs. Gio

The two lock up and do the wrist lock regular followed by an arm drag. Suddenly, Joe Doering comes out with Eric Young and levels both men. Bell rings for a no contest. He snap powerbombs Suicide and EY grabs the mic. “I know what you’ve done. I’ve seen the truth now,” he says. “This world doesn’t belong to you, it belongs to us.” He drops the mic as Doering and he stares on.


Suicide vs. Gio

The two lock up and do the wrist lock regular followed by an arm drag. Suddenly, Joe Doering comes out with Eric Young and levels both men. Bell rings for a no contest. He snap powerbombs Suicide and EY grabs the mic. “I know what you’ve done. I’ve seen the truth now,” he says. “This world doesn’t belong to you, it belongs to us.” He drops the mic as Doering and he stares on.


Gia congratulates Deonna on her Knockout win. She is elated that she’s already a two-time champion. Kimber Lee says that with the Knockouts Tag Titles in the mix, why not they win both. Suddenly, the screen shakes and the two get a message on the mirror behind them: “Next Week ur time haz come.”

We see Heath and Rhino. Heath says that he has Swann’s doctor helping him out. Rhino encourages Heath to make that phone call as he walks out the door. Rhino sees Doering and EY. He knows what they’re up to and he tells the two to not even think about what they’re gonna do. They attack Rhino before Heath opens the door. The two enter in the room and corner Heath as the door closes and camera cuts.

Brian Myers vs. Crazzy Steve

Myers talks trash to Steve before tying up. He corners Steve but the ref implores him to break it up. Myers mashes Steve’s face off the turnbuckle before going for a powder.

Steve soon catches him with a slingblade but Myers tries to continue offense. He finds himself in an illegal hangman’s hold in the corner. Then Steve and Brian duke it out on the apron. Steve bites Myers and Brian shoves Steve into the post to break it up and lead us to a commercial break.

Back from it, Brian has Steve center ring in a chin lock. Steve fights to his feet, but Brian trips him up and slides onto the outside to gloat. He gets back in and talks trash to Steve. Vert suplex gets a two count.

Myers gouges the eyes of Steve, but CS fights to his feet. Myers manages a standing sleeper hold. Jawbreaker by Steve. Steve gets back up and lariats Myers several times in the corner before back bumping and cannonballing himself. He drags Myers over for a pin, but Brian kicks out.

Myers crawls away from an ascending Myers. He charges over to Myers and gives him a leg sweep before a ground octopus stretch gets locked in. Myers reaches the ropes. Flying knee by Steve. He covers, 1-2-no.

Steve goes for a back suplex but Brian punches him in the eye and clotheslines Steve. He covers and gets the win.

WINNER: Brian Myers


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