AEW Being The Elite Among Us

AEW Wrestlers Search For The Imposter On Being The Elite

This week’s Being The Elite is particularly full of fun and games. The various members of the AEW Twitch community gathered together to act out a real-life game of Among Us, an online multiplayer video game that’s gone to the top of the charts this year. Evil Uno, Nyla Rose, Kip Sabian, Colt Cabana, Allie, Brandon Cutler, Alex Abrahantes, and Leva Bates don multicolored clothing and try to complete “tasks” while reenacting the game.

Elsewhere on the show, Trent defends his BTE Championship against John Silver in a water flipping challenge, but not before Sammy Guevarra causes some problems with the title itself. It’s a tense contest, and Trent even seems like he wants the belt at certain points. Meanwhile, Matt Hardy reveals his first AEW persona, “Pretty” Peter Avalon refines his new persona and Orange Cassidy uses all his enthusiasm to celebrate.

For all that and more, check out the full episode embedded below:

“Trent vs Silver” - Being The Elite Ep. 230

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