Dexter Lumis vs. Timothy Thatcher
As soon as the bell rings Lumis flattens Thatcher with a Thez Press. Right hand by Lumis. Thatcher locks Lumis in an ankle lock. Thatcher suplexes Lumis but Lumis just stares at Thatcher. Thatcher puts Lumis in a front face lock. Thatcher goes back to Lumis’ previously injured ankle. Lumis manages to land a dropkick. Lumis starts to favor his arm. Lumis tosses Thatcher out of the ring. Lumis follows.
Thatcher lands a few strikes. Lumis fires back. Thatcher trips Lumis into the ring post. Lumis is clutching at his shoulder. After the break, Thatcher is working over Lumis. Lumis fires up and lands a few strikes. Lumis goes up top. Thatcher cuts Lumis off. Lumis tosses Thatcher off the top. Lumis hits a swanton. Lumis pops to his feet and rips off his shirt. Lumis almost locks in his finish but Cameron Grimes runs down to the ringside. In the confusion, Thatcher rolls Lumis up for the win.
Winner- Timothy Thatcher
After the match, Grimes attacks Lumis. Grimes puts a sack on Lumis’ head. Lumis manages to grab a chair and swing it but since he can’t see he’s way off. Grimes sits Lumis in the chair. Grimes hits the Cave In.
Backstage, Gargano bangs on Regal’s door. Gargano asks Regal to reverse the decision and make him North American Champion again. Regal says no. Gargano admits to rigging the wheel and says it was a joke and shouldn’t count. Gargano goes nuts.
"I ain't scared of you, Lumis…"@CGrimesWWE is facing his fears and then some on #WWENXT!
— WWE (@WWE) November 12, 2020