Toni Storm vs. Candice LeRae
LeRae and Storm trade strikes and submission hold. Storm locks in an armbar. LeRae tries to roll out of it but Storm doesn’t let go. LeRae gets to her feet and reverses the hold. Storm spins into a hammerlock. Suplex by Storm. Storm lands a basement dropkick followed by an inverted atomic drop. Storm boots LeRae in the face. LeRae falls out of the ring. LeRae is propped up on the ring steps. Storm charges in for a hip attack but LeRae moves out of the way. Storm crashes into the steel ring steps.
After the break, LeRae blasts Storm with a backstabber. LeRae misses a springboard moonsault. Storm hits a nasty headbutt. Both women are down. Storm fires up and crushes LeRae in the corner with a hip attack. After a flurry of moves, Storm gets a near fall after a fisherman’s suplex. LeRae almost hits a swinging neck breaker off the top rope but Storm puts on the breaks. Storm misses a leg drop off the top. LeRae boots Storm in the face. LeRae pins Storm with her feet on the ropes.
Winner- Candice LeRae
After the match, Storm is livid. Storm attacks LeRae. The masked person hits the ring to help LeRae. Blackheart tries to make the save but is taken out as well. The masked person takes off their mask to reveal that it’s Indi Hartwell. Didn’t see that coming, did you……
See that look? That means it's TONI TIME! #WWENXT @CandiceLeRae
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) November 12, 2020
That's not Ghostface, that's INDI HARTWELL assisting @CandiceLeRae! #WWENXT @indi_hartwell
— WWE (@WWE) November 12, 2020