NXT Cruiserweight Championship Match: Santos Escobar (c) vs. Jake Atlas
Atlas dumps Escobar out of the ring. Escobar catches Atlas with a kick to the gut. Atlas and Escobar trafe strike. Escobar locks Atlas in a submission hold. Atlas fights to his feet. Atlas tries a head-scissors but Escobar turns it into a facebuster. Escobar continues punishing Atlas. Atlas fires up and lands a few strikes in the corner. Atlas floors Escobar with an elbow strike. Escobar sends Atlas out to the apron. Mendoza and Wilde attack, but Atlas takes them both out with a steel pipe. Atlas hits a springboard blockbuster on Escobar for a near fall.
After the break, Escobar lands a ranna off the top. Atlas kicks out. Escobar sends Atlas into the ropes. Atlas surprises Escobar with a ranna. Atlas gets a near fall after a head kick. Atlas goes up top. Escobar pushes Atlas off the top. Atlas lands on the announce desk. Escobar sends Atlas into the steps. Atlas (sorta) lands a dive. Atlas sends Escobar back into the ring. Atlas rolls up Escobar. Escobar kicks out.
Inside cradle by Atlas. Escobar kicks out again. Escobar trips Atlas into the ropes. Escobar sets up his finish. Atlas escapes, but Escobar floors him with a back leg front kick (lol). Atlas kicks out again. Atlas lands a senton followed by a PK. Standing moonsault by Atlas. Escobar still won’t stay down. Atlas sets up the Rainbow DDT but Escobar puts on the brakes. Escobar hits his double under hook facebuster for the win.
Winner and STILL NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Santos Escobar!
"Everybody knows… @JohnnyGargano HATES wheels."
"Go watch @WheelofFortune!" – @ArcherOfInfamy
Yeah, Johnny is not taken his #NXTNATitle loss well. #WWENXT pic.twitter.com/9xocqyDkDa
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) November 12, 2020
.@JakeAtlas_ is hitting EVERYTHING that moves as he looks to become NXT Cruiserweight Champion on #WWENXT! ?@EscobarWWE @RaulMendozaWWE @joaquinwilde_ pic.twitter.com/Z1H27Hbsvu
— WWE (@WWE) November 12, 2020