WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (11/9/20)

In-Ring Segment: AJ Styles

Styles is in the ring with his very tall friend. Styles says they are having a team meeting tonight. Styles introduced everyone while sucking up to each of them as much as possible. Styles admits that last night got off to a rocky start. That’s just because they were missing the final piece of the puzzle. The missing piece was Riddle. Lee cuts Styles off and says Styles cheap shotted him last week so he owes him one.

Sheamus calls Lee a hypocrite because he attacked him last week. Riddle tries to play peacekeeper. Riddle makes a joke about Sheamus’ face being red. Styles tries to motivate everyone by putting over the SmackDown Team. Styles says if they don’t want to lose they have to work together to be the best of the best. Styles calls himself team captain and everyone says he isn’t the captain. Styles says he got Pearce to book a tag match with Strowman teaming with Sheamus to face Lee and Riddle. Styles is going to be the special guest referee.

Riddle and Keith Lee vs. Sheamus and Braun Strowman (Special Referee: AJ Styles)

Strowman and Sheamus take an early advantage, working over Riddle in the corner. Both riddle and Sheamus accidentally hit Styles. Lee and Strowman hit the ring and accidentally crush Styles in a Yeti/Giant sandwich-type deal. Styles’ big associate takes off his sports jackets and climbs into the ring. Lee and Strowman square up as Styles stumbles to his feet. After the beak, Riddle manages to tag in Lee. Lee clears the ring. Lee powerbomb Riddle on top of Sheamus. Lee destroys Strowman with a lariat for a near fall. Sheamus tags in and Brogue Kicks Lee. Riddle surprises Sheamus with a German suplex for a near fall. Sheamus is about to hit the Brogue Kick, Strowman tags himself in. Sheamus Brogue Kicks Strowman off the apron. In the confusion, Riddle rolls up Sheamus for the win.

Winners- Riddle and Keith Lee

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