WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (10/21/20)

During the break, Theory says he quits.  and drives away.

Legado del Fantasma vs. Ashante “Thee” Adonis, Jake Atlas, and Swerve Scott

As soon as the bell rings, Mendoza, Escobar, and Wilde all leave the ring. Legado Del Fantasma surrounds the ring. Scott flips over the rope and gets in Escobar’s face. Scott sends Escobar into the ring steps. Atlas is working over Wilde in the ring. Adonis tags in and hits a flapjack on Wilde. Atlas lands the three amigos on Wilde. Wilde kicks out. Atlas tries to walk the ropes. Mendoza tries to sweep his legs but Atlas leaps over Mendoza and EScobars attacks while still standing on the top rope. Atlas superkicks Escobar and hits a head-scissor/arm drag combo on Wilde and Mendoza off the ropes. Atlas assists Scott as he hops up to the top rope. Scott crushes Legado Del Fantasma with a sky twister press to the outside.

After the break, Escobar and Co are taking turns working over Adonis. Adonis manages to tag in Atlas. Atlas clears the ring. Atlas tags in Scott. Escobar hits a sick flying kick that takes Atlas out. Scott lands a rolling flatliner on Escobar. Mendoza tags in. Scott kicks Escobar in the head while on the apron. Mendoza pulls Scott off the top rope. Scott kicks Mendoza off the apron. Mendoza trips Scott, which causes Scott to hit his face on the apron. Atlas gets on the apron, Mendoza tries a dive but Atlas turns it into a Spanish Fly off the apron. Mendoza and Atlas land on everyone. Escobar hits a suicide dive that sends Scott flying over the announce desk. While Escobar is distracted, Atlas hits his patented handstand DDT off the apron. In the ring, Mendoza and Wilde hit their finish on Adonis for the win.

Winners- Legado Del Fantasma

At the Gargano house, Johnny Gargano complains about how much he hates wheels. Candice LeRae says they have to practice. Gargano spins the wheel and gets a buried alive match. LeRae spins and it lands on a street fight. LeRae says she is undefeated in street fights. Gargano spins again and gets a casket match. Gargano wants to know why the wheel wants him dead. Gargano yells that he has to be in control, he can’t handle not being in control. Gargano’s wife is going to win the Women’s title and he is going to be six feet under.


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