WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (10/2/20)

AJ Styles vs. Jey Uso

Styles yells at Jey that the truth hurts sometimes. Jey charges Styles but Styles side steps. Styles lands a few strikes. Jey bodyslams Styles. Running splash by Jey. Styles lands a flying knee for a near fall. Styles chokes Jey with the bottom rope. Styles slingshots Jey into the bottom rope. Jey responds with a jawbreaker but Styles shrugs it off. Jey flapjacks Styles. Styles falls to the outside. Jey sets up a dive. Styles cuts Jey off with a stiff kick before he can sail through the ropes. Styles suplexes Jey on the announce desk. After the break, Styles dives right into a Samoan drop by Jey. Styles kicks out. Styles surprises Jey with a Pelé kick. Ushigorshi by Styles. Jey kicks out. Jey escapes the Styles Clash. Jey lands an enziguri that sends Styles flying out of the ring. Suicide dive by Jey. Jey sends Styles back in the ring. Jey tries the Uso Splash but Styles gets his knees up. Styles crawls out to the apron to set up for his finish. As Styles springboard, Jey kicks him. Styles is hung up on the top rope. Uso superkicks Styles again. Uso hits the Uso Splash for the win!

Winner- Jey Uso

Backstage, Sami Zayn says he knows everyone expects him to gloat. Zayn is not the undisputed Intercontinental Champion. Zayn blames the WWE Universe for feeding into this sham IC title and tournament. Zayn is going to do the right thing and toss the fake IC title in the trash. That’s where it belongs in WWE history. Zayn tosses the title in a trash can as the screen fades black.

Otis announces he is going to represent himself in court against Miz and Morrison.

John Morrison vs. Otis

Otis clubs Morrison and stands on his chest. Morrison escapes Otis’ back body drop attempt but ends up getting run over by Otis instead. Suplex by Otis. Otis splashes Morrison in the corner. Otis hits the Caterpillar followed by a Vader Bomb for the win.

Winner- Otis


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