WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (9/25/20)

Backstage, Otis says he is going to fight Miz’s lawsuit. Miz and Morrison interrupt and demand Otis gives up the MITB briefcase. Tucker asks why only Miz’s name is on the lawsuit. Otis attacks Morrison.

Bayley walks out on the stage carrying the chair she used to destroy Sasha Banks. Banks says she is done wasting time on Sasha Banks. Bayley is focused on defending the title against Nikki Cross. Bayley is going to slap that stupid little smile off of Cross’ face. After the match, who knows what may happen.

Gran Metalik w/Lucha House Party vs. Shinsuke Nakamura w/Cesaro

Nakamura lands a few knee strikes. Springboard arm drag by Metalik. Nakamura avoids a backflip attack by Metalik. Nakamura sends Metalik out of the ring. Nakamura launches Metalik into the barricade. Nakamura trips Metalik into the bottom turnbuckle. Nakamura stomps the back of Metalik’s head. Metalik knocks Nakamura off the apron. Metalik lands a topé to the outside. Metalik sends Nakamura back into the ring. Metalik slingshots himself back into the ring for a senton. Nakamura trips Metalik off the top rope. Nakamura blasts Metalik with a knee strike to the back of the head. Reverse exploded by Nakamura. Nakamura destroys Metalik with the Kinshasa for the win.

Winner- Shinsuke Nakamura

After the match, Cesaro and Nakamura attack Lince Dorado and Metalik. Kalisto watches from outside the ring. After Cesaro and Nakamura leave, Kalisto gets in the ring to check on his teammates. Dorado pushing Kalitso in anger.


Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!


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