WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (9/21/20)

RAW Underground

Strowman finally squares off against Dabba-Kato. Strowman and Kato trade jabs. Strowman takes down Kato and almost locks in a choke. Kato rolls off the platform to avoid it. Kato throws a guy at Strowman. Strowman throws the guy right back. Strowman and Kato meet back on the platform. Strowman catches Kato with a right hand that floors him. Strowman falls on top of Kato and rains down rights and lefts. The referee stops the match.

The Hurt Business vs. Retribution

Lashley sends Mace into the corner. Lashley lands a few punches. Lashley misses a splash in the corner. Mace runs over Lashley. T-Bar sends Lashley out of the ring. Lashley taps T-Bar in the corner. T-Bar slams Alexander. T-Bar tags in Slapjack. Slapjack rains down elbows and punches to Alexander. Retribution takes turns working over Alexander.

Benjamin manages to the tag but Mace and T-Bar double suplex him. Bejamin surprises Mace with a back suplex. Mace responds with a serious of clubing blows. Benjamin tags in Lashley. Lashley clears the ring. Lashley lands a huge spinebuster on Slapjack. Lashley puts Slapjack in the Hurt Lock. T-Bar attacks Lashley from the apron. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner- The Hurt Business

After the match, the arena fills up with Retribution members. A brawl breaks out. The Hurt Business is out numbered again. Drew McIntyre and the rest of the RAW locker room rush the ring and clear out Retribution. While McIntyre is in the ring, Orton slithers in and delivers an RKO.


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