WWE Payback Results (8/30/20)

Keith Lee vs. Randy Orton

Orton grabs a side headlock. Orton hits thee ropes for a shoulder block. Lee doesn’t go down. Lee dares Orton to do it again. Ortonn runs to a crossbody by Lee. Orton rolls out of the ring in frustration. Orton gets back in the ring and yells at Lee about how he is the legend killer and he has to respect him. Orton chops Lee. Lee glares at Orton. Orton chops him three more times. Orton tries to whip Lee into the corner. Lee puts on the breaks. Lee whips Orton into the corner. Lee crushes Orton with grizzly magnum.

Orton sidesteps Lee causing Lee to crash into the ring post. Lee falls out of the ring. Orton back suplexes Lee on the announce desk. Lee is almost counted out. Orton locks Lee in a chin lock. Lee gets to his feet. Lee hits a pounce that sends Orton flying out of the ring into the announce desk. Lee back suplexes Orton on the announce desk. Orton kicks Lee in the chest as he is trying to get back in the ring. Hangman’s DDT by Orton. Orton plays to the video screens in the crowd. Orton calls for the RKO. Lee counters the RKO with the Spirit Bomb FOR THE WIN!

Winner- Keith Lee

Backstage, Kayla asks Heyman if Reigns signed his contract yet. Heyman says Reigns said he would so he will. Heyman says Reigns will win back his title tonight.

WWE Payback Live Results Continue On The Next Page!


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