NXT Women’s Championship Match: Io Shirai vs. Dakota Kai w/Raquel Gonzalez
Shirai hits her head on the mat as she tries to evadnShirai into the ring. Kai starts to work on Shirai’s arm, that she rammed into the ring post earlier in the match. Shirai surprises Kai with a roll up. Kai kicks out and follows up with a clothesline. Kai puts Shirai in an arm figure-four lock. Shirai escapes and hits a palm strike. Tiger feint kick by Shirai. springboard dropkick by Shirai. Standing double stomp by Shirai. Kai kicks Shirai in the face. Shirai begs Kai to do it again. Shirai fires up but Kai cuts her off with a scorpion kick. Kai misses her running. boot in the corner. Kai and Shirai fight up to the top rope. Shirai pushes Kai into the tree of woe. Shirai crushes Kai with a double stomp off the top.
Kai kicks out. Kai hit a lung blower. Shirai kicks out and slaps on an armbar. Shirai eventually gets to the ropes. Kai blasts Shirai with the GTK. Shirai gets her foot on the rope. Kai accidentally kicks the referee in the head. Shirai hits her moonsault but there is no referee. Gonzalez hits the ring and powerbombs Shirai. Gonzalez drags Kai on top of Shirai. Shirai kicks out! Shirai locks Kai in a crossface. Kai rolls out of it. Shirai knees Kai in the face. Kai falls to the outside., Shirai hits a golden triangle moonsault to the outside that takes out both Kai and Gonzalez. Shirai hits her moonsault for the win.
Winner and STILL NXT Women’s Champion, Io Shirai!
After the match, Gonzalez is about to attack Shirai but Ripley power walks to the ring. Gonzalez and Ripley go. nose-to-nose. Gonzalez walks away.
Close but not enough. @shirai_io puts her foot on the ropes to escape a title loss. #NXTTakeOver @DakotaKai_WWE pic.twitter.com/pTqq1JfJ6c
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) August 23, 2020