Adam Cole vs. Pat McAfee
Before the match, McAfee says this match is going to end after one kick from his punter’s leg. McAfee comes to the ring with his cronies. Cole and McAfee lock up. Cole puts McAfee in a side headlock. McAfee leapfrogs over Cole. McAfee flexes. McAfee tries to leapfrog again and Cole almost hits a superkick. McAfee shoulder blocks Cole. McAfee avoids a bicycle kick by rolling out of the ring. McAfee and his friends mock the UE. The rest of the UE runs down to ringside. Security tries to separate everyone. McAfee dives off the top and hits a senton. McAfee sends Cole back into the ring. McAfee lands a few strikes. McAfee picks Cole up for a slam. McAfee does squats while he has Cole in the air. McAfee works over Cole. Cole fires up bit runs right into a dropkick by McAfee. McAfee gloats as the referee checks on Cole. McAfee slaps Cole. Cole slaps McAfee both men trade punches. Cole pump kicks McAfee in the face. McAfee crawls to the corner. Cole stomps a mudhole in McAfee. Cole hits the Ushigoroshi. McAfee kicks out. Cole is shocked.
McAfee ducks the Last Shot. McAfee rolls up Cole. Cole kicks out. Cole hits a ridiculous flying backstabber. McAfee somehow kicks out. Cole goes up top. McAfee crotches Cole on the top rope. McAfee sets up a superplex. Cole pushes v off the top rope. McAfee does a backflip and lands on his feet. McAfee hops back up to the top rope in one leap. Superplex by McAfee. Cole kicks out. McAfee tries to punt Cole’s head into the ring steps. Cole moves out of the way. McAfee kicks the steps. McAfee falls to the ground clutching his leg. Cole puts McAfee in the figure-four. McAfee gets to the ropes. McAfee kicks Cole in the nuts. McAfee turns Cole inside out with a clothesline. McAfee punts kicks Cole. Cole kicks out. McAfee is in shock. McAfee dives off the top. Cole superkicks McAfee out of the air. Cole starts to pull down his kneepad but he stops midway. Cole looks at the corner with a sly smile on his face. Cole goes up top and hits the Panama Sunrise for the win.
Winner- Adam Cole