WWE SummerSlam Results

WWE SummerSlam Results (8/23/20)

RAW Women’s Championship Match: Sasha Banks (c) w/Bayley vs. Asuka

Banks immediately kicks Asuka in her injured leg. Banks pounds on Asuka’s knee. Asuka grabs Banks by her head and lays in Kawada kicks. Banks takes Asuka down. The two exchange blows. Banks goes to the outside. Banks tries a ranna off the apron. Asuka turns the ranna into a leg bar. Banks kicks her way out of it and rolls back in the ring. Asuka flattens Banks with a hip attack in the corner. Asuka attempts to lock in an armbar. Banks kicks her way out of it. Asuka misses a kick and ends up kicking the ring post. Banks hits a sunset bomb off the apron to the floor. Asuka isn’t moving. Banks gets back in the ring. Asuka is almost counted out. Banks tries multiple pinning combinations but Asuka won’t stay down. Banks blast Asuka with a running boot. Asuka kicks out yet again.

Asuka drops Banks in an electric chair drop. Asuka immediately locks in a kneebar. Banks flips over to escape the hold. Asuka goes up top. Banks follows. Asuka DDTs Banks off the top rope. Banks rolls out of the ring to avoid getting pinned. Asuka sends Banks back in the ring. Missile dropkick by Asuka Banks kicks out. Asuka tries to yank Banks out of the corner. Banks turns it into a codebreaker but only gets a two count. Banks misses a frog splash. Banks and Asuka charge at each other. Asuka almost locks in a flying Asuka Lock. Banks reveres it into the Banks Statement. Asuka turns that into the Asuka Lock. Banks escapes. Asuka kicks Bayley off the apron. Asuka puts Banks in the Asuka Lock. Banks taps out.

Winner and NEW RAW Women’s Champion, Asuka!

After the match, Banks glares at Bayley and the tag team title. Banks is NOT pleased.



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