Velveteen Dream had been gone from WWE television for two months but Triple H says it wasn’t due to any disciplinary reason and WWE’s investigation found nothing against the star amid claims of inappropriate messages.
“You know, in this day today, accusations are made and you take them all very seriously,” Levesque explained to CBS Sports. “You look into them the best you can, and you find out what is there and what isn’t. In this situation, [Dream] was also involved in a car accident. That’s what took him off TV. In the moment, all this other stuff happens and you look into it and you find that there is a situation that people bring to everyone’s attention, you look into it and find that it is what it is and there’s nothing there.”
Clark returned during last week’s episode and lost in a triple threat qualifier but attacked Kushida afterward and turned heel. He’ll now face Finn Balor on this week’s episode for a second shot at qualifying for the NA Championship Ladder Match.