WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (8/17/20)

Backstage, MVP tells Alexander that it’s interesting that Crews picks Ali and Ricochet over him. MVP tells Alexander that his offer still stands.

RAW Underground

Arturo Ruas vs. Riddick Moss

Ruas lands a spin kick. Rua puts Moss in a rear-naked choke. Moss leaps backward and crushes Ruas. Ruas puts Moss in a kneebar. Moss rolls them both off the platform. McMahon stops the fight.

Elimination match: Apollo Crews, Ricochet, and Mustafa Ali vs. The Hurt Business

Crews and Co. are in control early. Lashley tags in and runs over Ali, before knocking Crews and Ricochet off the apron. Lashley hits the C4 for the pin on Ali.

Mustafa Ali has been eliminated

Benjamin tags in and hits Pay Dirt on Ricochet for the pinfall.

Ricochet has been eliminated

Crews surprises Benjamin with his patented toss powerbomb for the pin.

Shelton Benjamin has been eliminated

As Benjamin rolls out of the ring. Alexander sneaks a roll-up to win the 24/7 title. After the break, MVP and Lashley are taking turns working over Crews. MVP misses a big boot in the corner. Crews drops MVP with the toss powerbomb for the pin.

MVP has been eliminated

Lashley mauls Crews. Crews fires back with a few enziguri. Standing moonsault by Crews. Lashley powers out at two. Crews runs into a spear by Lashley. Lashley pins Crews.

Winners- The Hurt Business

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