WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (7/24/20)

Backstage, Nakamura says it felt good making Kingston go splat. Cesaro says the only thing he regrets is not putting Big E. through a table.

Bar Fight: Sheamus vs. Jeff Hardy

Sheamus walks into a bar and asks for a shot. Hardy arrives a minute or two later. Hardy sits at the bar with Sheamus. Sheamus offers Hardy a shot to take the edge off. Hardy says no thank you. The referee asks if they are ready. Hardy reminds the referee that he is just here to count the fall. Hardy pours himself a beer. Hardy says his brother had to delete his WWE career but he has to resurrect his. Hardy asks if Sheamus is still the bar. Hardy says he is connected to everything and he is the bar. Sheamus says Hardy is nothing but a junkie. Hardy throws the beer in Sheamus. face. Hardy and Sheamus trade shots. Sheamus sidewalk slams Hardy on the bar.

Sheamus drags Hardy’s up the bar, knocking all the glasses and crap all over the place. Sheamus gives Hardy ten beats of the bodhran. Sheamus asks the bartender for a shot, top-shelf. Hardy dives off the bar and lands on Sheamus Sheamus throws Hardy into the wall. Hardy whips Sheamus into a few kegs. Hardy drags Sheamus down the hall. Hardy slams Sheamus into every wall he comes across. Sheamus hits Hardy in the head with a small keg. Sheamus throws Hardy into a closet. Sheamus slams the door on Hardy over and over again. Sheamus brings Hardy int the bathroom. Sheamus puts Hardy’s head in a urinal and flushes it. Sheamus is washing out the demons. Sheamus holds Hardy up to a mirror. Sheamus tells Hardy he’s trash. Hardy fires up and throws Sheamus into a bathroom stall. Sheamus lands in the toilet.

Hardy hits Sheamus wit a ladder. Sheamus struggles to his feet. Hardy throws the ladder at Sheamus. Hardy runs the bar and leaps off. Sheamus catches Hardy and slams him into the wall. Sheamus misses a shot with a guitar. Hardy lands a few punches. Sheamus reverses Hardy’s Irish whip into a whip of his own. Hardy is sent flying int a drum set on the stage. After the break, Hardy and Sheamus are taking turns slamming each other on the bar. Hardy drops Sheamus with the Twist of Fury. Hardy sets up the ladder and drags Sheamus over to it. As Hardy starts to climb the bartender attacks him from behind. Hardy powerbombs the bartender through a pallet. Sheamus hits Hardy with a chair. Sheamus says sweet dreams, fella before testing his hat on Hardy’s face. Sheamus walks over to the bar and drinks a pint. Sheamus tells the referee to get ready, Sheamus takes the hat off Hardy face. Hardy has white face paint on and his eyes are all white. Hardy hits Sheamus in the head with a glass. Hardy climbs the ladder and hits the Swanton for the win.

Winner- Jeff Hardy

Hardy takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. Hardy exhales and opens his eyes. They are back to normal.


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