Karrion Kross says he’s enjoyed the rocket-boosted push in NXT, but he’s ready for some championship gold.
Karrion Kross has become the top villain in NXT and while speaking to Pro Wrestling Sheet, Kross discussed how he feels about his NXT run thus far and says he’s looking to set fire to NXT.
“It feels very good. More so how Scarlett and I have been received by fans. That’s first and foremost the most important thing to me. Because, as you know, depending on how things are booked, you can be put into different types of situations and can be plugged into the top of the food chain, so to speak,” Kross said. “If fans reject that, then it’s all for nothing. So, more than anything, the way I’ve been received by the WWE Universe has been awesome.”
He continued, “I’m bringing the blowtorch! The blowtorch is coming. I’m gonna set people on fire. Just give me a minute, alright?! I ordered it from Amazon in February. It still hasn’t gotten here. But when it does, Ryan Satin, people are going to be lit on fire.
RELATED: Karrion Kross Says We May See Him Involved In A Cinematic Match Before The End Of 2020
Right now, Keith Lee is the top star in NXT holding both the NXT North American Championship and the NXT Championship. Karrion Kross says he’s got his sights set on Lee and may need both belts to hold up his big pants.
“Ya know … I got big pants … and I don’t think one belt is enough. I think I’m gonna need two to be able to walk around comfortably. That’s just where I’m at currently with it right now. I’m gonna need two belts, I think.”
WrestleZone will have live coverage of NXT which features a big announcement from William Regal. The coverage starts at 8 p.m. Eastern.