WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (7/22/20)

WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results

July 22, 2020

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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William Regal announces that Keith Lee asked for time to speak to the NXT Universe. Lee announces that in an effort to not limit anyone else’s ability to advance he will be relinquishing the North American Championship. The only condition he has in doing so is that as many people as possible get a chance to win the title. Regal notes that there will be a series of triple threat matches to determine who will go on to compete in a ladder match to crown a new North American Champion at Takeover.

Dexter Lumis vs. Killian Dain

Dain lands a few strikes before tossing Lumis out to the floor. Dain tries to whip Lumis into the ring steps but Lumis leaps over the steps to avoid them. Dain flattens Lumis with a running body block. Lumis is hung up in the ropes. Dain lands a splash off the second rope. Lumis kicks out. After the break, Dain boots Lumis in the face. Dain charges at Lumis. Lumis counters with a spinebuster. Thez press by Lumis. Dain escapes but ends up eating a bulldog. Dain kicks out. Dain hits a senton in the corner. Powerbomb by Dain. Lumis kicks out. Lumis lands the uranage but Dain fights out of Lumis’ patented head and arm choke. Dain almost lands another powerbomb but Lumisrolls off of his shoulders. Lumis hits a senton followed by the uranage into the head and arm choke. Dain passes out.

Winner- Dexter Lumis

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