WWE The Horror Show at Extreme Rules Results (7/19/20)

Swamp Fight: Braun Strowman (c) vs. Bray Wyatt

Strowman pulls up in a truck to a desolate swamp. Wyatt is sitting in a rocking chair with a Cheshire cat-like grin on his face. Strowman says he’s home. Wyatt laughs as the screen goes dark. When the lights come back up Wyatt is gone. Strowman destroys the rocking chair. A few guys in masks attack Strowman. Strowman fights them off as the screen flashes to Wyatt cheering Strowman on from the Firefly Funhouse. Strowman screams for Wyatt to show himself. Someone hits Strowman in the back of the head with a shovel. When Strowman looks up it’s him, in his old Wyatt Family mask. The doppelganger hits Wyatt in the face with the shovel.

When Strowman awakens, he is chained to a chair in a cabin of some sort. Wyatt strolls in carrying his old school lantern. Wyatt asks Strowman if he likes what he’s done to the place. Strowman yells that he hates Wyatt for everything he’s made him do. Wyatt remarks tat when Strowman’s 15 minutes is up, who will be there waiting for him? Wyatt grabs Strowman by the face and yells that he isn’t Strowman’s enemy. Wyatt says together they will be like gods. As society and governments crumble they will still be there standing tall ruling it all. Wyatt says he isn’t going back to “that place” Strowman is a weapon and Wyatt is the wielder. Strowman says he doesn’t care what Wyatt does, he’ll never go back to doing his bidding.

Wyatt looks at the camera and asks us if we want to see something really scary. Someone walks in with a big ass snake. Wyatt asks Strowman if he remembers the serpent. The snake bits Strowman. When Strowman wakes up, he is by a campfire. More men attack Strowman. Strowman makes kicks one into the campfire. The guy gets up and runs around while engulfed in flames. Strowman laughs, I laugh, hopefully, everyone watching laughed because that was funny. A voice tells Strowman to come home. In the fog, we see a shrouded woman. It’s Alexa Bliss. Bliss tells Strowman to come home. They can be together. She knows that what he’s always wanted.


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