WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (7/15/20)

North American and NXT Championship Match: Keith Lee (c) vs. Dominik Dijakovic

Dijakovic paces around the ring. Lee waits with frantic anticipation. Lee and Dijakovic engage in a Greco-Roman knuckle lock. Lee forces Dijakovic into the ropes, after a test of strength. Dijakovic retreats to the other side of the ring after the referee forces the break. Lee and Dijakovic lock up. Lee slowly forces Dijakovic into the corner. Neither man will release their hold of each other while jockeying for position. Dijakovic eventually lets Lee go. Lee forces Dijakovic down to the mat. Lee tries to splash Dijakovic’s arm but Dijakovic moves. Dijakovic gets a quick one count after a surprise pin attempt. Lee and Dijakovic smirk at each other. Dijakovic offers Lee a handshake. Lee shakes Dijakovic’s hand but instead of letting go, Lee pulls Dijakovic into a side headlock.

Dijakovic and Lee trade headlocks. Dijakovic tries a shoulder block. Lee doesn’t go down. Dijakovic tries over and over again. Lee doesn’t budge. Lee screams “come on!” at Dijakovic. Dijakovic asks for another handshake. Dijakovic chops Lee in the chest. Lee responds with a grizzly magnum. Dijakovic falls to the mat. Lee goes up top for a moonsault. Dijakovic cuts Lee off and almost picks Lee up for Feast Your Eyes. Lee manages to escape. Dijakovic tells Lee he was this close getting him. After the break, Dijakovic has Lee in a rear chin lock. Lee stands up. Dijakovic pounds on Lee’s back. Dijakovic tries to set up his patented tossing suplex but Dijakovic can’t get Lee off the mat. Lee fires up and runs over Dijakovic. Dijakovic pops back up to his feet. Lee sends Dijakovic flying with a pounce. Dijakovic rolls out of the ring.

Lee tries to pounce Dijakovic into the barricade but Dijakovic moves out of the way. Lee is lucky enough to put on the breaks. Back in the ring, Lee runs right into a sidewalk slam from Dijakovic. Lee kicks out. Lee hits a rope hang rolling flatliner. Dijakovic kicks out. Lee sits Dijakovic on the top rope. Lee lays in a few punches. Lee climbs up top and grabs Dijakovicby the throat. Dijakovic catches Lee with a headbutt that sends Lee tumbling to the mat. Lee stumbles to his feet. Dijakovic hits a blockbuster off the top. Lee manages to kick out. Cyclone boot by Dijakovic. Lee kicks out yet again. Dijakovic dives off the top into another grizzly magnum. Lee launches Dijakovic in the air for a sky-high spinebuster. Lee picks up Dijakovic for the Big Bang Catastrophe. Dijakovic tries to elbow his way out of it but Lee powers Dijakovic over and obliterates him with his signature finishing move.

Winner and STILL North American and NXT Champion, Keith Lee!

After the match, Lee helps Dijakovic up. Lee and Dijakovic hug. The lights go out. A spotlight appears on the ramp. Scarlett is standing there holding a bag. Scarlett saunters down to the ring. Scarlett empties the back in the ring. It’s the remnants of the clock Lee destroyed weeks ago.

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