Strap Match: Dexter Lumis vs. Roderick Strong
Strong doesn’t want to get in the ring. Strong attacks Lumis before the strap can be attached. Lumis fires back and attacked the strap to Strong to start the match. Strong tries a high knee but Lumis swats Strong out of the air with the strap. Strong rolls to the outside. Lumis yanks the strap, which forces Strong to crash into the ring apron. Lumis back body drops Strong. Strong tries to fire back but Lumis just stares at Strong. Strong and Lumis trade punches. Strong tries the ten punches in the corner. Lumis slips out and traps Strong’s head against the turnbuckle. Lumis hits a nasty uppercut. Lumis tosses Strong all over the place using the strap. Lumis drags Strong up the ramp. Lumis opens one of the car trunks on the stage. Strong uses the strap to send Lumis into the stage.
Strong Olympic slams Lumis on the ramp. Strong sends Lumis back into the ring. Strong whips Lumis with the strap. Strong chops Lumis with the strap. Strong hits the ropes and runs right into a lariat from Lumis that turns Strong inside out. Bulldog by Lumis. Strong kicks out. Slingshot suplex by Lumis. Lumis whips Strong with the strap. Jumping knee by Strong. Strong sits Lumis on the top rope. Strong hits a superplex. Lumis kicks out. Lumis trips Strong on the apron. While the referee is distracted, Bobby Fish appears out of nowhere and takes out Lumis’ knee. Strong hits the Sic Kick. Lumis kicks out. Fish tries to interfere again but Lumis users Strong to help him clothesline Fish. Lumis hits the range. Lumis wraps the strap around strong before locking in his head and arm choke. Strong taps out.
Winner- Dexter Lumis
(roderick) STRONG Suplex.#WWENXT #NXTGAB #StrapMatch @roderickstrong @DexterLumis
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) July 2, 2020