WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (6/29/20)

In-Ring Segment: Big Show

Big Show demands Randy Orton come to the ring right now. Vega and Co. interrupt. Vega sics Garza and Andrade on Big Show. For some reason, Ric Flair’s music hits. Flair struts out on the ramp. Flair says he respects Vega, but he has to have a word with Big Show. Flair tells Show that Orton will deal with him on his time. Flair tells Vega and Co. to have at it. Before Garza and Andrade can attack, The Viking Raiders run down the ramp. A huge brawl breaks out.

The Viking Raiders vs. Angel Garza and Andrade w/Zelina Vega

Erik and Ivar double team Garza. Flash knee by Erik. Garza kicks out. After a distraction that included Garza ripping off his pants, Andrade and Garza take control. Garza and Andrade take turns working over Erik. Andrade gets upset with Garza and tries to leave. Vega stops Andrade. Andrade and Vega argue on the ramp. After the break, Andrade is back on the apron. Garza and Andrade continue their assault. Erik catches Andrade with a knee strike. Ivar gets the hot tag. Ivar clears the ring. Garza counters Ivar’s handspring elbow with a dropkick.  Erik body slams Andrade while powerbombing Garza. After Garza takes out Ivar, Garza lands the Wing Clipper on Erik for the win.

Winners- Angel Garza and Andrade

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