WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (6/24/20)

Timothy Thatcher gives another lesson in submission wrestling by brutalizing his students.

Santos Escobar w/Mendoza and Wilde vs. Jake Atlas

Atlas and Escobar trade strikes. High crossbody by Atlas. Atlas lights Escobar up with a few chops. Atlas takes Escobar over with a rope walks arm drag. Atlas stomps Escobar. Snap ranna by Atlas. After a distraction by Mendoza, Escobar knocks Atlas off the apron. Atlas hits the plexiglass barricade face first. After the break, Escobar works over Atlas. Atlas fires up and hits a bodyslam into a standing moonsault. Escobar kicks out. Atlas lands a moonsault to the outside that takes out Mendoza and Wilde. Atlas lands an inverted DDT for a near fall. Atlas goes up top. Escobar crotches Atlas on the top rope. Escobar hits the Phantom Driver for the win.

Winner- Santos Escobar

During Undisputed Therapy, Cole, O’Reilly, and Fish finally get Roderick Strong to get in the trunk. Cole tells Strong now that he has conquered the trunk, he will be able to conquer Dexter Lumis in a match tonight. Strong looks… concerned.

Backstage, Malcolm Bivens says he is pissed off to the point of pisstivity. Bivens says they just wanted to see who won the tag team title match last week. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch stuck their noses in business that isn’t theirs. If Bivens didn’t hold Indus Sher back, Lorcan and Burch would have ended up in an ambulance next to Maverick.

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