We The Independent
Photo: We The Independent

‘We The Independent’ Severs Ties With David Starr Amid Abuse Controversy

We The Independent, the organization that David Starr co-founded that aims to help the betterment of independent wrestlers, have ended their relationship with the indie wrestling star amid sexual misconduct accusations. The organization released a statement both on it’s website and on Twitter. It reads as follows:

“We The Independent”‘s mission has always been to support and help independent artists, particularly those who are victims of abuse & discrimination.

In light of recent activity on social media “We The Independent” and David Starr have come to the mutual agreement to relinquish his relationship with the company, effective immediately.

It is our hope to move forward from thi. We appreciate and value the fans and talents who have supported our aims to establish a safer, faira environment for all, while we also understand and respect those who may now move on.

“We The Independent” is larger than the sum of one person. With time, we hope to move forward, stronger and better.

Starr was called out on social media yesterday by a former partner named Victoria for what was a string of sexual and emotional abuse that Starr allegedly put her through. Starr then released several statements on Twitter regarding the accusations, a series of those Tweets being an unsent apology he claimed to draft for Victoria.  The two had some exchanges back and forth on Twitter afterwards. Ultimately, Starr does admit to being a horrible and emotionally abusive partner to women in his past relationships (and includes discussions of “gray rape” in his discourse), but does deny being a sexual predator.

RELATED: David Starr Addresses Accusations Of Sexual Abuse


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