AEW Dynamite Results

AEW Dynamite Results (6/17/2020)

AEW Dynamite Results

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AEW World Tag Team Championship: Hangman Adam Page and Kenny Omega vs. The Natural Nightmares

Early on in the match, Dustin Rhodes and Kenny Omega we’re going back and forth which even saw Dustin hit a hurricanrana from the middle ropeInternet was down for the bulk of this match. My apologies. Allie came down towards the end to try to fire up QT Marshall but to no avail, Hangman and Omega won with The Buckshot / V trigger combo.

Winner: Kenny Omega and Adam Page.

Back from commercial, can we get a vignette for Anna Jay.

Anna Jay vs, Abadon

While the prior vignette would have you thinking that Anna Jay was the focus of this match, Abadon came to the ring with a horror film filter over her entrance and unique contacts and completely stole the attention away from Anna but that was by design. Abadon would win the very quick match with a running hurricanrana DDT. Afterward, The Dark Order would come to the ring and offer Colt Cabana a contract before assisting Anna to the back.

MJF vs. Billy Gunn

Billy was accompanied by his sons Colten and Austin. The early portion of the match with the Maxwell try to get the advantage over belly but continually be outmatched in strength and intelligence. Right before the commercial break, maxwell would finally start working over the leg of the former D-Generation X member as Billy’s son would come back to the ring to try to neutralize Wardlow. This would actually work against Billy and end up distracting the referee as Wardlow would continue to work on the leg that MJF was softening up.

MJF would go on to hit Billy with the dynamite diamond ring for the win.


Elsewhere on Dynamite, the good doctor is in trouble:

Cody came out for the open Challenge and cut a brief promo about how he hasn’t received help from The Nightmare Family or the Elite as of late. Arn Anderson would go on to announce Ricky Starks, former NWA Television Champion as Cody’s opponent.

AEW TNT Championship: Cody vs Ricky Starks

Jake Hager is looking on. He will face the champion at Fyter Fest. Early on, Starks took it to Cody before getting shut down by a dropkick. Cody Rhodes with then hit the Bob Holly low kick followed by a suicide dive. Cody Rhodes briefly how to control before Starks counter to end and took advantage of a small rib injury. Ricky Reed then hit a running leg drop on the apron.

Late in the match, Cody and Starks would exchange pinfalls and then Cody would wind up delivering a vicious CrossRhodes.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

Superbad Squad vs. The Young Bucks

Matt started the match with Jimmy Havoc as Havoc worked over the rib cage of Matt Jackson. Eventually, both men would trade-off but when the other partners came into the ring, Matt and Nick Jackson would take over the match with stereo planchas.

Butcher & Blade at FTR would get involved and chaos completely overtook the match. The Young Bucks would still win with a Golden Trigger as a throwback to their days in Japan and after the match, four teams would begin fighting again with the segment ending with FTR and the Jacksons hitting simultaneous Piledrivers.

WINNER: Matt and Nick Jackson

Matches set for next week include Matt Hardy versus Sammy Guevara, Brodie Lee and Colt Cabana taking on Sonny Kiss and Joey Janela, and The Lumberjack match between Wardlow and Luchasaurus that was supposed to happen months ago.

Matt Hardy is out for commentary. Main event is next.

Le Sex Gods vs. Best Friends

A very fun back and forth match. Towards the home stretch, Sammy Guevara tried to utilize Floyd the bat but only received a two-count. Sammy Guevara would then be tripped by a cameraman and then best friends would win when Trent nailed Sammy with his finisher.

WINNERS: Best Friends

After the match, the cameraman reveals himself to be Orange Cassidy and he immediately attacks Chris Jericho. Cassidy knocks Jericho out of the ring after nailing superman forearm. The show goes off the air with the announcement that Cassidy and Jericho will face each other at Fyter!

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