WWE RAW Results

Backstage News On A Potential Segment For WWE RAW (Spoiler)

UPDATE: Both Christian and Paul Heyman are backstage at today’s taping per PWInsider.

We live in a world that has experienced “The Greatest Wrestling Match Of All Time!” In it, longtime friends and rivals Edge and Randy Orton pulled out all the stops, including the finishers of legends and every move in their own arsenals. In the end, Orton sealed the deal with a punt, a move that has taken superstars out of action permanently in the past. It seems as if The Viper has accomplished his goal of sending Edge back into retirement, but is the story over?

Reliable backstage source WrestleVotes have teased WWE fans this afternoon with several tweets hinting at where Orton could be heading next:

I really don’t want to spoil the news for everyone, so I’m not. However, I got a phone call earlier with info that RAW will feature something unexpected. Which I think everyone will like…. Sometimes scares never heal.

Assuming that “scares never heal” is a typo and they meant to type “scars”, this is a pretty big hint that Christian, Edge’s longtime running buddy, is coming in to take revenge on the veteran. Orton has a long history with Christian beyond the Edge connection, as it was RKO who stripped The Instant Classic of his one WWE world title just days after winning it. Despite Christian’s pleas for “One More Match,” the story fizzled out without much of a conclusion.

Now, in 2020, the stars have aligned to perhaps give longtime fans a satisfying payoff. Orton and Edge both proved that they have a lot more to give in the ring, and this writer is confident that Christian could be on that same level with the proper motivation.

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Christian recently spoke with Wrestlezone Managing Editor Bill Pritchard while promoting his new film Cagefighter: Worlds Collide and spoke about Edge’s return to WWE. Christian maintained that his in-ring career is over now, as he’s been open in the past about believing he wouldn’t be cleared to compete due to the nature of his injuries. Concussion-related issues took him out of the ring and he noted Edge’s situation is a lot different, but he wouldn’t rule out a managerial-type role or a storyline appearance if it made sense.

“If it made sense storyline-wise, for sure. Obviously, Edge is dipping his toes back in here, but they are also very different injuries. His was structural and mine was concussion [related]. I’m not sure how you would ever get cleared if you’ve been medically disqualified from something like that. I’m also pretty content with my career and how it went, but who knows? I would never turn down a chance to work with my best friend again. You never know, we’ll see what happens down the line.”

Read More: Christian Looks At His ECW Run As A Positive Experience