WWE Backlash Results

WWE Backlash Results (6/14/20)

Backstage, The Street Profits are fighting thee Viking Raiders. Ford accidentally throws Erik onto Strowmans car. Both teams runaway in fear of being seen. The fight continues backstage in cinematic fashion. Ivar has a bolling ball for some reason. Ivar eventually hits Ford in the buts with the bowling ball. Ivar finds Erik laid out. Dawkins pounces Ivar through a glass window. Erik says they should take it outside. Dawkins exclaims that they are already outside. For some reason, Akira Tozawa pulls up on a motorcycle with a gang.

The Street Profits and Raiders decide to work together and become the Viking Profits. The Viking Profits quickly dispatch their ninja attackers. I am not sure if I’m watching WWE or an episode of Scrubs. Tozawa calls for his secret weapon, an extremely tall Ninja with a sword. Ivar calls for his fallen turkey leg like its Moljnr. They decided to run away.  They continue fighting on top of a trailer. Dawkins bulldogs Erik off the trailer into a trash can. Ivar pushes Ford off the truck into the trash bin. Ivar dives off the bin on top of everyone else. The referee tells them that their match is next… and that Ivar is cute. Erik? Not so much. They hear something growling in the trash. Everyone gets scared and tries to run away.

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