ROH Ring Of Honor
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

ROH Wrestling Results (6/8/20): A Spotlight On Brody King

ROH Wrestling Results 

Aired June 8, 2020 

Report by Colin Tessier for

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The show opens with a video package for Brody King, who discusses how he’s spent his time in quarantine. He says he’s learning how to smoke meat. King says he’s started doing yoga, too. King recaps the beginning of his career in Ring of Honor.

ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship: Villain Enterprises c) vs. MexiSquad (Replayed from ROH Saturday at Center Stage, January 2020)

Brody King overpowers Flamita early on. They exchange chops, and Flamita drops King with a hurricanrana. Marty Scurll and Bandido tag in. Scurll gains the upper hand, but Bandido rocks Scurll with a kick. Flip Gordon and Rey Horus tag in and showcase their fast-paced offensive styles. Scurll drops Horus with a superkick. King chops Horus, and Villain Enterprises isolates Horus. Gordon accidentally clotheslines Scurll, and Bandido tags in. Bandido hits Gordon with a pop-up cutter and takes King down with a corkscrew dive. Flamita hits King with a hurricanrana, and MexiSquad dives onto the champions outside the ring.

Flamita hits a 450 Splash on Gordon for a two count. A moonsault guillotine legdrop from Flamita gives MexiSquad all the momentum. King floors Horus with a clothesline. Scurll hits Bandido with a tornado DDT. The match breaks down into chaos, and Horus hits King with an acrobatic DDT. Bandido and Scurll trade blows, and Bandido drops him with the X Knee. Scurll is left alone against MexiSquad, and a moonsault slam earns Bandido a two count. King gets a near fall after a running senton. Gordon and King dive onto Horus and Flamita outside the ring. Bandido rolls Scurll up for the win.

Winner and new ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champions: MexiSquad (Bandido, Flamita and Rey Horus)

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