WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (6/8/20)

Asuka vs. Charlotte Flair

Before the match starts, Banks and Bayley walk out to the commentary desk. Flair and Asuka trade strikes. Asuka misses a dropkick. Flair tries a big boot. Asuka catches Flair’s foot and puts her in an ankle lock. Flair escapes and tosses Asuka into the commentary desk. After the break, Asuka outs Flair in an octopus hold. Flair escapes and boot Asuka in the face. The IIconics are in the crowd. Back in the ring, Flair stomps on Asuka’s face. Asuka dragon screws Flair in the ropes. Flair falls to the outside. Asuka hip attack Flair into the barricade. Flair boots Asuka in the gut and starts working over Asuka’s leg. Flair tosses Asuka out of the ring. Asuka goes up top. Flair hits a running boot that sends Asuka careening back to the outside. Asuka hits the floor hard.

The IIconics attacks Banks and Bayley from behind. The IIconics hit their finish on Bayley on the announce table. After the break, Flair is lighting up Asuka with chops. Asuka surprises Flair with a kick to the face. Basement hip attack by Asuka. Asuka slaps on a cross arm breaker. Flair tries to block. Flair gets a top mount and rains down elbows. Asuka releases the hold. Flair chokes Asuka in the ropes. Flair puts Asuka in a rear chin lock. Asuka tries to fight out of it but Flair won’t release the hold. Asuka turns it into a backslide. Flair rolls out of it and hits a nasty knee strike. Flair tries to pin Asuka with her foot on Asuka’s chest. Asuka kicks out. Flair whips Asuka into the corner. Asuka hops up to the top rope and lands a dropkick. German suplex by Asuka. Asuka lands another hip attack.

Asuka hip attacks Flair out of the ring. Asuka tries to suplex Flair off the apron. Flair boots Asuka in the face. Flair crushes Asuka with a moonsault off the barricade. Flair slams Asuka’s leg into the ring post. Asuka pulls Flair into the ring post. Flair tries a spear but Asuka catches her with a knee to the face. Asuka tries the Asuka Lock but Flair turns it into a pin. Asuka kicks. Asuka puts Flair in a modified octopus hold. Flair escapes and finally hits a spear. Asuka kicks out. Asuka almost locks in the Asuka Lock again. Nia Jax runs down to the ring. Asuka hip attacks Jax off the apron. Asuka turns around eats a boot from Flair. Flair pins Asuka.

Winner- Charlotte Flair

After the match, Jax flattens Asuka with a Samoan Drop.


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