AEW Dynamite Results

AEW Dynamite Results (5/6/20)

AEW Dynamite Results

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Before the action gets underway, get caught up with this AEW “Road To” video:

Pyro makes its successful return as Jim Ross, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone run down the card for the evening.

Cody and Joey Janela kick us off on the first live episode since the middle of March.

Cody vs Joey Janela

In the early stages of the match, both men go back and forth trading pinfall attempts and the commentary team hypes Joey as credible competition Cody. Some chop attempts don’t fare too well for Joey as Cody begins to take control with strikes and a forward throw suplex. Joey comes back with a high spinning heel kick and begins to take over the match as the commentary team abruptly begins talking about social distancing and how they’ve all been tested.

Cody Rhodes regains some control with a full nelson spin out but that is quickly stopped as Joey Janela sends him flying into the middle rope. Joey gets a two-count after a high-back angle suplex. Joey applies a body scissor vice. Cody gets out of it and then starts to strike but Joey immediately takes him back down to the ground and the action spills out to the outside of the ring. Kip Sabian is shown on the outside eating a banana. Shawn Spears blows an air horn because he’s Shawn Spears. Janela continues to take it to Cody on the outside.

Cody gets another brief moment of offense before Joey completely takes over once again and runs to the back to get a head of steam on a hiney but Cody moves and hits the beautiful disaster kick on the outside of the ring. Cody hits a moonsault from the top of the stage and referee Aubrey Edwards is just letting it all fly. This leads to Tony talking on commentary about why Cody is still ranked number one in the rankings.

Finally back in the ring and the action still belongs to JoeyJanella as he scores a 2 count from the top rope elbow. Shortly after, Cody gets a 2-count from the top rope reverse suplex. Cody takes off the weight belt and throws it to the crowd as it gets picked up by Hikaru Shida. Janela blocks Cody’s Cross Rhodes attempt and Cody gets a two-count off of a powerslam. Cody Rhodes once again goes for the beautiful disaster kick and gets caught with a German suplex instead. Janela it’s a massive Lariat but misses a moonsault attempt. Cody Rhodes gets a two-count off of a high springboard cutter.

Janela spends a little time begging Cody off but the two begin trading strikes. Cody wins after a sudden Cross Rhodes in a very solid 20-minute encounter with no commercial breaks.


After the first commercial break, we will see the return of Nyla Rose.

We get a super cool vignette highlighting the women’s division. It’s been a long time since there’s been any focus on people not named Britt Baker. good stuff.

Nyla Rose vs. Kenzi Page

Prior to the match, Nyla was interviewed by Tony Schiavone. She shut him down quickly and then went to the ring for a solid enhancement match. Following a Senton Bomb and three powerbombs, the champion walked away from the ring successfully.

WINNER: Nyla Rose.

MJF did MJF things and cut a great promo talking about how he’s not a kid and he’s not The Rock or Ric Flair and he will be in action next week. That promo led to our next commercial break.

Back from break, Shawn Spears was featured in a vignette blaming Cody Rhodes for the end of the career of Dustin Rhodes. This leads to Tony interviewing Spears and MJF. Both men are back to their gambling ways and are putting one another over. Schiavone reveals that MJF will face Jungle Boy one on one at Double Or Nothing.

Frankie Kazarian makes his entrance. He will have his singles debut next against AEW World Champion, Jon Moxley.

Kazarian vs. Jon Moxley

Both start early with chain wrestling exchanges for the first several minutes before Moxley turns up the heat with some striking and implores Kazarian to exchange with him, Kazarian instead once again takes him to the mat. Moxley would once again end up on top and begin taking full control as he cornered Frankie Kazarian and floored him with the Backbreaker for the count of 2.

Both men begin exchanging briefly and Kazarian tries to take him to the floor again and as the pace quickens, Kazarian drops Jon Moxley with a spinning heel kick. Moxley would bounce back up and counter a headlock with a back suplex throw over to the outside ramp. The action continues on the outside during a commercial break. Our first picture in picture in over a month.

Both men would go back and forth but Jon Moxley would get the win via Paradigm Shift DDT. After the match, things get interesting as the dark order comes out to lay waste did Jon Moxley. SoCal Uncensored tries to make the save but Brodie Lee comes out and hits Christopher Daniels with a chair shot to the head. Brodie would then cut a great promo challenging Jon Moxley for the championship.

WINNER: Jon Moxley

Back from break, a promo from Brandi focusing on Lance Archer and Jake Roberts airs.

Coverage of AEW Dynamite Hour 2 continues on the next page.