Photo: EC3

EC3 Continues To ‘Control His Own Narrative’ As He ‘Buries’ His Old Entrance Theme (Video)

“Top 1%?” EC3 wants you to think again.

The former WWE star is letting his creativity flow as he has consistently been rolling out a bevvy of vignettes and workout clips on his social media account since he was released by that publicly traded company up in Stamford, CT.

The videos have been focusing on the mantra of “controlling your own narrative” and the latest clip released this evening certainly exemplifies that to the fullest tilt. We see EC3 open a garage door as his old NXT theme music is blaring from a set of speakers. With a new look of intensity he proceeds to literally destroy the retro sound system with a shovel, eliminating any old echoes of his former self to emanate from that old set of speakers.

“Destroy the objective of self preservation,” he states as he continues to hack away at the speakers. “Destroy the unattainable percentage-based segregation,” he continues before also telling us to “eliminate the perspective that everything is fine” in a mocking tone. He closes out the promo by stating, “You have been warned.” You can see the entire clip below courtesy of EC3’s Twitter. A familiar face in Drake Maverick also chimed in to give his remarks on his longtime friend’s new path.

RELATED: Free EC3 Website Launched, Says He’s Not Actually The Top 1%


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