AJ Styles WWE 2K19 cover
Photo Credit: WWE Games / 2K

WWE Confirms WWE 2K21 Won’t Be Released This Year

Once again, it turns out that where there’s smoke there is fire.

Previous rumors suggested that WWE 2K21 wouldn’t be happening this year and that’s true. “There’s not going to be a launch of the game this year,” WWE said on today’s Q1 2020 conference call. This comes just a year after WWE 2K20 was widely criticized by fans and reviewers for having a litany of graphical and gameplay bugs.

Later this year will see the launch of both the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. It looks as if 2K Games is going to revamp the WWE engine before the next entry hits. Recently, the company refused to comment on if the game was coming out this year.

So, keep playing old WWE games or boot up some Fire Pro Wrestling World as there won’t be a new WWE game this year.

RELATED: Former WWE Video Game Writer Suggests WWE 2K21 Will Not Be Happening


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