Florida Governor Vince McMahon
Photo by Brad Barket/Getty Images for WWE

Florida Governor Denies Link Between WWE Being ‘Essential’ And Vince McMahon’s Relationship With President Trump

The governor of Florida takes umbrage to any kind of notion that his ruling of WWE as an “essential business” in the state of Florida has any connection to Vince McMahon’s strong relationship with President Trump.

In a press conference that occurred earlier today with Governor Ron DeSantis, the very topic of Vince and Linda McMahon’s relationship with the President was brought up and he was asked about that relationship having any bearing on the state’s decision to allow McMahon to continue live week-to-week taping in Orlando during the Coronavirus pandemic. DeSantis questions the context of the question by asking his own.

“What does that have to do with me? They supported me? Did you look up that? And they didn’t, right?”

He continues on, stating that he’s for keeping the people in his state stimulated.

“I think if there’s content that can be created I think that that’s a good thing. Even Dr. Fauci said televised sports is a positive thing. There’s not a lot for people to look at right now and I think you’re starting to see this does start to wear on some people after awhile so my view would be well let’s do what we need to do to stop the spread, to make sure we’re flattening the curve but at the same time you can give people some outlets, maybe that’s with programming on TV,”

There certainly can be connections made as to why WWE was allowed to continue with their live tapings in Orlando. Florida based television host and sports personality Jon Alba along with investigative journalist Stephanie Coueignoux did make note yesterday that on the same day (April 9) DeSantis qualified WWE as “essential” Linda McMahon donated an $18.5 million Super-PAC to the state of Florida. It was then on April 10 when Vince decided to move forward with live tapings at the Peformance Center.

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