Kayfabe Project Still ‘Happening’ After Unsuccessful Crowdfunding Campaign

The “Kayfabe” project, an “edgy, racy, cinematic television series about a female-led professional wrestling start-up,” picked a bad time to start crowdfunding. Despite having respected legends attached and several media appearances, the month of March 2020 changed a lot of things, and there was a lot less money to go around to a project like this.

Despite the hardships, 406 backers funded the project to less than one-fourth of the goal, but there could still be hope yet. Lita, Christy Hemme, and Gail Kim teamed up for a social media update that assures fans that Kayfabe is still “happening” in some capacity.


This could mean that a production company funded the project outside the crowdfunding model, or that the scale of the project has gone down from what was anticipated. Whatever the case, it’s likely that the project will not come to fruition until after the global pandemic’s many lockdowns around the US cease. Everything is really up in the air for any project like this right now, but it’s good to know that these three women have a plan in place if/when things return to normal.

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